
The COVID 19 pandemic and accompanying lockdown impacted knowledge share badly for the medical community.

Indian Rheumatology Association (IRA) their physical bi-annual meeting got postponed due to the pandemic they wanted to reach out and community for continued education and knowledge share, but as doctors are locked up in their homes and physical meetings were impossible.

The Indian Rheumatology Association appointed Qeni to develop the strategy to stay in touch with their community .Qeni team designed, produced and promoted a series of webinars delivered over a period of 12 months. The webinar series enabled any individual with an interest in Rheumatic and Arthritis diseases to learn, share experiences and become more acquainted with IRA mission.

This programme is part of a strategic approach for IRA to demonstrate value to its members, grow its community and lead the way to a digital transformation. For the year 2021, all education provided by IRA will be digital.

What we did

What Made It Sucessfull

A digital marketing campaign supported this initiative and enabled IRA to increase its visibility and reach on a global scale and grow its community.Qeni team considered many digital platforms and found the most experiential one —giving maximum attendee engagement through quiz, polls and Q&As featured on the platform as well as sponsorship branding opportunities.

Qeni team integrated Abstract Management System into the platform. This way, all the requirements for being an accredited provider of digital education were ported over to the virtual conference.

Our team experienced team ensured a seamless and enriched experience to all involved – speakers, and attendees

Qeni team given round-the-clock tech support for speakers and exhibitors and staffed a 24-hour help desk to answer attendee questions.

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